Primary objective  - 1  A:                I will improve my money management skills by carrying enough cash for my day out.
Criterion:  @33% Independent for 24 consecutive                                                                                                                                                              
Methods:  Staff will:        A:  Use direct training to remind XX the positive consequences of following work rules and negative consequences.

Primary objective  - 1  A: I will improve my money management skills by counting my money in a private area.                                           
Criterion:  @33% Independent for 24 consecutive                                                                                                                                                              
Methods:  Staff will:        A:  Use direct training to remind XX the positive consequences of following work rules and negative consequences.

Primary objective  - 1  A:                  I will improve my money management skills by keeping my money in my wallet/purse.
Criterion:  @33% Independent for 24 consecutive                                                                                                                                                              
Methods:  Staff will:        A:  Use direct training to remind XX the positive consequences of following work rules and negative consequences.

Primary objective  - 1  A:                  I will improve my money management skills by wearing my wallet in a secure place.
Criterion:  @33% Independent for 24 consecutive                                                                                                                                                              
Methods:  Staff will:        A:  Use direct training to remind XX the positive consequences of following work rules and negative consequences.

Primary objective  - 1  A:                  I will improve my money management skills by placing my wallet/purse in a safe area.
Criterion:  @33% Independent for 24 consecutive                                                                                                                                                              
Methods:  Staff will:        A:  Use direct training to remind XX the positive consequences of following work rules and negative consequences.